Often, voltage coding is not available where the capacitor is small. It always has a mark on the capacitors, even where alphanumeric coding is possible.
Capacitor working voltage codes: A capacitor’s working voltage is essential. Also, due to the use of the EIA scheme, the coding is identical to that used with resistors. Tolerance code: Some conventional capacitors use the tolerance code. Though it is becoming less common, you find it in older capacitors because some use a color-coding system. Color codes: This is another way to identify conventional capacitors. The first two figures represent the capacitor’s significant figures. Abbreviated capacitor marking codes: There are three characters in this capacitor marking code. It works well with larger capacitors, where there is sufficient space for labeling. Non-coded markings: The plainest way to mark an individual capacitor is to draw it onto the case. It would help if you marked a capacitor with a marking that shows its temperature coefficient. But, you can encounter older capacitors with color codes. Today, most capacitors use alphanumeric codes. There are several marking codes for capacitors.
Basic Identification of Tantalum Capacitor Marking Read on as we give more detailed information about all you need to know about different markings. Also, the capacitor stands out because of its thin and high dielectric layer.
Examples of these markings are polarity markings, ceramic capacitor codes, and color codes for capacity. However, various markings represent various capacitors’ parameters like their voltage. The tantalum capacitor marking is necessary to make the identification of various capacitors easy. Tantalum Capacitor Marking,Tantalum capacitors are electrolytic capacitors and reliable components of PCBs.